Suspicious trading halts

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 2003, 13 (3), pp. 251 - 263
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Trading halts are designed to protect investors from price fluctuations under conditions of illiquidity, but on the Paris Bourse specific price limits can be used to manipulate prices. Trading is halted when a trader submits an order outside the maximum daily price limit and this feature permits traders, at little cost, to easily close the market intentionally or in error. We document over 300 suspicious halts where unfilled orders halted trading. These halts are suspicious because the unfilled order was on the opposite side of the market. Discovering potentially inefficient procedures is important for the Paris Bourse and also for French and overseas investors who may be impacted by inappropriate prices. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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