Creativity and the creative industries: some observations on tensions around building creative industries in Australia and New Zealand

University of South Australia
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Asia pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management, 2009, 6 (1), pp. 418 - 425
Issue Date:
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Suzette Major and others have identified a Bakhtian dialectic tension between culture and industry. Such a dialogue has been a trademark of culture and the arts, particularly in areas where commerce and culture seem to 'clash' or where policy in relation to government subsidy has subsided requiring more entrepreneurship of the arts. In Australia this tension has been particularly evident in the ongoing debate around the dichotomy of either cultivating a film industry or a film culture - as if you could only have one or the other, but is not restricted to this sector (Dermody and Jacka 1987; O'Regan 1996).
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