Mentoring women in acquiring small business management skills & minus; gaining the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls

Academic Global Publications
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Australasian Journal of Business and Social Inquiry, 2005, 3 (1), pp. 1 - 10
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Mentoring has gained increased credibility as a skills-transfer mechanism in business in recent years. Already recognised for its effectiveness within larger corporations, the benefits must be attainable for those seeking to acquire small business management skills. In order to answer the specific question `How can women be more effectively mentored in the acquisition of small business management skills?, this paper reviews and synthesises the literature on the parent discipline of mentoring and the immediate disciplines of relationship nature, benefits and risks of mentoring, and the effect of mentor gender as applied to the female mentoree. It concludes by presenting the key research issues revealed as gaps in the literature.
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