Portable sensor based dynamic estimation of human oxygen uptake via nonlinear multivariable modelling

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'08 - "Personalized Healthcare through Technology", 2008, pp. 2431 - 2434
Issue Date:
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Noninvasive portable sensors are becoming popular in biomedical engineering practice due to its ease of use. This paper investigates the estimation of human oxygen uptake (VO2) of treadmill exercises by using multiple portable sensors (wireless heart rate sensor and triaxial accelerometers). For this purpose, a multivariable Hammerstein model identification method is developed. Well designed PRBS type of exercises protocols are employed to decouple the identification of linear dynamics with that of nonlinearities of Hammerstein systems. The support vector machine regression is applied to model the static nonlinearities. Multivariable ARX modelling approach is used for the identification of dynamic part of the Hammerstein systems. It is observed the obtained nonlinear multivariable model can achieve better estimations compared with single input single output models. The established multivariable model has also the potential to facilitate dynamic estimation of energy expenditure for outdoor exercises, which is the next research step of this study. © 2008 IEEE.
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