Education, opportunities and challenges for generation OurSpace: Taming the beast

Association for the advancement of computing in education (AACE)
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of Ed-Media 2008 world conference on educational multimedia, hypermedia and telecommunications, 2008, pp. 5804 - 5811
Issue Date:
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The paper discusses the opportunities and challenges presented for current notions of schooling by adolescent online cultures. Young people are increasingly active Web 2.0 users and their interactions through these technologies are altering their social identities, styles of learning, and exchanges with others around the world. The paper argues for the need for more research to investigate this phenomenon through the use of virtual ethnography and identifies the ethical challenges that lie therein. It raises questions for school education and presents an argument for the need to study the area in culturally sensitive ways that privilege adolescents voices.
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