The benefits of adults learning numeracy

Centro de Investigcao em Educacao Universidade de Lisbon & Department of Education, Learning & Philo
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the Fifth Mathematics Education and Society Conference, 2008, pp. 495 - 504
Issue Date:
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We examine the benefits of adult numeracy learning in the current Australian context by drawing on Schullers framework for analysing the benefits of learning in terms of three capitals: human capital, social capital and identity capital. We argue that although the current adult education policy framework in Australia is biased towards the achievement of only one of the three capitals human capital, the practices of experienced adult educators help to extend the benefits of learning to encompass identity and social capital benefits. We take a case study of a numeracy workshop in an Adult Basic Education (ABE) program in Australia to show how one teacher exemplifies teaching practice that despite the policy gap, helps her learners reap a range of benefits from their numeracy learning.
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