Dissolution behaviour of aceclofenac-PVP coprecipitates

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Ars Pharmaceutica, 2012, 53 (3), pp. 7 - 12
Issue Date:
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Aim: The objective of the present investigation was to study the effect of PVP on in vitro dissolution of aceclofenac from coprecipitates. Materials and Methods: Aceclofenac coprecipitates (CP) with different drug loadings were prepared and in vitro dissolution studies of pure drug, physical mixtures and coprecipitates were carried out. Results: Coprecipitates of aceclofenac with PVP showed considerable increase in the dissolution rate in comparison with physical mixture and pure drug in 0.1 N HCl, pH1.2 and phosphate buffer, pH, 7.4. Coprecipitates in 1:2 ratio showed maximum dissolution rate in comparison to other ratios. Amorphous nature of the drug in coprecipitates was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy and a decrease in enthalpy of drug melting in coprecipitates compared to the pure drug. FT- IR spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry studies indicated no interaction between aceclofenac and PVP in coprecipitates in solid state. Dissolution enhancement was attributed to decreased crystallinity of the drug and to the wetting, eutectic formation and solubilizing effect of the carrier from the coprecipitates of aceclofenac. Conclusion: dissolution of aceclofenac can be enhanced by the use of hydrophilic carriers like PVP.
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