A probabilistic associative model for segmenting weakly supervised images

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2014, 23 (9), pp. 4150 - 4159
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Weakly supervised image segmentation is an important yet challenging task in image processing and pattern recognition fields. It is defined as: in the training stage, semantic labels are only at the image-level, without regard to their specific object/scene location within the image. Given a test image, the goal is to predict the semantics of every pixel/superpixel. In this paper, we propose a new weakly supervised image segmentation model, focusing on learning the semantic associations between superpixel sets (graphlets in this paper). In particular, we first extract graphlets from each image, where a graphlet is a small-sized graph measures the potential of multiple spatially neighboring superpixels (i.e., the probability of these superpixels sharing a common semantic label, such as the sky or the sea). To compare different-sized graphlets and to incorporate image-level labels, a manifold embedding algorithm is designed to transform all graphlets into equal-length feature vectors. Finally, we present a hierarchical Bayesian network to capture the semantic associations between postembedding graphlets, based on which the semantics of each superpixel is inferred accordingly. Experimental results demonstrate that: 1) our approach performs competitively compared with the state-of-the-art approaches on three public data sets and 2) considerable performance enhancement is achieved when using our approach on segmentation-based photo cropping and image categorization. © 2014 IEEE.
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