Correlation of retinal nerve fibre layer thickness and spontaneous retinal venous pulsations in glaucoma and normal controls

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Journal Article
PLoS ONE, 2015, 10 (6)
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© 2015 Golzan et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Purpose: To study the relationship between amplitude of spontaneous retinal venous pulsatility (SRVP) and retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness in glaucomatous eyes, and to determine if this parameter may be a potential marker for glaucoma severity. Method: 85 subjects including 50 glaucoma (21 males, 67±10 yrs) and 35 normals (16 males, 62±11 yrs) were studied. SRVP amplitude was measured using the Dynamic Vessel Analyser (DVA, Imedos, Germany) at four regions of the retina simultaneously within one disc diameter from the optic disc - temporal-superior (TS), nasal-superior (NS), temporal-inferior (TI) and nasal-inferior (NI)). This was followed by RNFL thickness measurement using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (Spectralis OCT). The correlation between SRVP amplitude and corresponding sectoral RNFL thickness was assessed by means of non-linear regression (i.e. logarithmic). Linear regression was also applied and slopes were compared using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Results: Greater SRVP amplitude was associated with thicker RNFL. Global SRVP amplitude was significantly lower in glaucoma eyes compared with normals (p<0.0001). The correlation coefficient of the linear regression between RNFL and SRVP at TS, NS, TI and NI quadrants in the glaucoma group were r = 0.5, 0.5, 0.48, 0.62. Mean SRVP amplitude and RNFL thickness for TS, NS, TI and NI quadrants were 4.3±1.5, 3.5±1.3, 4.7±1.6, 3.1±1 μm and 96±30, 75±22, 89±35 and 88±30 μm, respectively. The ANCOVA test showed that the slope of linear regression between the four quadrants was not significant (p>0.05). Since the slopes are not significantly different, it is possible to calculate one slope for all the data. The pooled slope equals 10.8 (i.e. RNFL = 10.8SRVP+41).
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