Dementia Outcomes Measurement Suite (DOMS) Project: Final Report

Centre for Health Service Development, University of Wollongong
Publication Type:
2007, pp. 1 - 523
Issue Date:
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The purpose of this project is to develop a set of recommended measures/tools for routine use in the assessment, diagnosis, screening and outcomes monitoring of dementia conditions and the evaluation of treatments that are applicable for the Australian health care context. By developing a set of recommended measures it is hoped to standardise the assessment and evaluation procedures used in this field to enhance comparability of findings across research and practice settings. Put simply, we a trying to create a tool-kit of measures for clinicians and researchers to use with people with dementia, in order to assist with communication across the field. A related aim is to make recommendations concerning the clarification and standardization of the clinical terminology applicable in this field. To enhance comparisons between studies it is important that standardized approaches to diagnosis and patient classification be undertaken.
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