Viral video style: A closer look at viral videos on YouTube

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
ICMR 2014 - Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2014, 2014, pp. 193 - 200
Issue Date:
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Viral videos that gain popularity through the process of Internet sharing are having a profound impact on society. Existing studies on viral videos have only been on small or confidential datasets. We collect by far the largest open benchmark for viral video study called CMU Viral Video Dataset, and share it with researchers from both academia and industry. Having verified existing observations on the dataset, we discover some interesting characteristics of viral videos. Based on our analysis, in the second half of the paper, we propose a model to forecast the future peak day of viral videos. The application of our work is not only important for advertising agencies to plan advertising campaigns and estimate costs, but also for companies to be able to quickly respond to rivals in viral marketing campaigns. The proposed method is unique in that it is the first attempt to incorporate video metadata into the peak day prediction. The empirical results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods, with statistically significant differences. Copyright 2014 ACM.
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