HiLo Prefabricated Floor

Publication Type:
Venice Biennale 2016: Lessons from the Front, 2016
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1104305_PIGRAM_MAXWELL_HiLoPrefabricatedFloor_FINAL.pdfPublished Version1.78 MB
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A working prototype of a bespoke precast concrete floor system developed for the NEST HILO project. Through a combination of integrated design and advanced fabrication strategies the system achieves a 70% reduction of concrete when compared to conventional construction approaches. The incredibly thin (2cm) unreinforced floor further integrates hydronic heating and cooling strategies resulting in a highly efficient thermally active surface, Critically, the reduction of concrete ensures significantly less energy is required to activate. Floor was produced in collaboration with the Block Research Group [BRG] and Architecture and Building Systems research group [A/S]
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