Estimating a Dutch Value Set for the Pediatric Preference-Based CHU9D Using a Discrete Choice Experiment with Duration

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Value in Health, 2018, 21 (10), pp. 1234 - 1242
Issue Date:
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© 2018 ISPOR–The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research. Objective: This article presents the development of the Dutch value set for the Child Health Utility 9D, a pediatric preference-based measure of quality of life that can be used to generate quality-adjusted life-years. Methods: A large online survey was conducted using a discrete choice experiment including a duration attribute with adult members of the Netherlands general population (N = 1276) who were representative in terms of age, gender, marital status, employment, education, and region. Respondents were asked which of two health states they prefer, where each health state was described using the nine dimensions of the Child Health Utility 9D (worried, sad, pain, tired, annoyed, school work/homework, sleep, daily routine, able to join in activities) and duration. The data were modeled using conditional logit with robust standard errors to produce utility values for every health state described by the Child Health Utility 9D. Results: The majority of the dimension level coefficients were monotonic, leading to a decrease in utility as severity increases. There was, however, evidence of some logical inconsistencies, particularly for the school work/homework dimension. The value set produced was based on the ordered model and ranges from –0.568 for the worst state to 1 for the best state. Conclusion: The valuation of the Child Health Utility 9D using online discrete choice experiment with duration with adult members of the Dutch general population was feasible and produced a valid model for use in cost utility analysis. Normative questions are raised around the valuation of pediatric preference-based measures, including the appropriate perspective for imagining hypothetical pediatric health states.
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