Inferring latent network from cascade data for dynamic social recommendation

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM, 2017, pp. 669 - 678
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© 2016 IEEE. Social recommendation explores social information to improve the quality of a recommender system. It can be further divided into explicit and implicit social network recommendation. The former assumes the existence of explicit social connections between users in addition to the rating data. The latter one assumes the availability of only the ratings but not the social connections between users since the explicit social information data may not necessarily be available and usually are binary decision values (e.g., whether two people are friends), while the strength of their relationships is missing. Most of the works in this field use only rating data to infer the latent social networks. They ignore the dynamic nature of users that the preferences of users drift over time distinctly. To this end, we propose a new Implicit Dynamic Social Recommendation (IDSR) model, which infers latent social network from cascade data. It can sufficiently mine the information contained in time by mining the cascade data and identify the dynamic changes in the users in time by using the latest updated social network to make recommendations. Experiments and comparisons on three real-world datasets show that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-The-Art solutions in both explicit and implicit scenarios.
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