Synthèse : de la donnée à l’intelligence collective sur les terres agricoles péri-urbaines – quels rôles pour l’information, les savoirs et l’action ?

Éditions Quae
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Les terres agricoles face à l’urbanisation —De la donnée à l’action, quels rôles pour l’information ?, 2018
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Keeping peri-urban farmland and associated activities close to growing urban centers is a global concern. In the face of ever-increasing demand for land development, the challenge of conserving peri-urban farmland - our main concern in this book - continues to be debated. The recent literature presents various initiatives that have, or could be, adopted to protect and conserve these lands. For example, Akimowicz et al. (2016) have critically assessed the merits of the Greenbelt Act in Ontario (USA) regarding farmers' adaptation and investment strategies. Inwood and Sharp (2012) reported on the resilience of farms in peri-urban areas by studying the succession patterns and adaptation of farms in the United States. As such, this study does not propose initiatives that could be put in place to protect and conserve peri-urban agricultural land, but rather an analysis of how to explain the maintenance of farms in peri-urban areas. From the study of conflicts around agricultural uses in the Greater Paris region, Darly and Torre (2013) analyze the experiences of farmers and the media coverage of, and present innovative mechanisms for conflict resolution.
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