Predicate transformer semantics of quantum programs

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Semantic Techniques in Quantum Computation, 2013, 9780521513746 pp. 311 - 360
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© Cambridge University Press 2010. This chapter presents a systematic exposition of predicate transformer semantics for quantum programs. It is divided into two parts: The first part reviews the state transformer (forward) semantics of quantum programs according to Selinger’s suggestion of representing quantum programs by superoperators and elucidates D’Hondt-Panangaden’s theory of quantum weakest preconditions in detail. In the second part, we develop a quite complete predicate transformer semantics of quantum programs based on Birkhoff–von Neumann quantum logic by considering only quantum predicates expressed by projection operators. In particular, the universal conjunctivity and termination law of quantum programs are proved, and Hoare’s induction rule is established in the quantum setting.
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