An exploratory study of "best practice" in environmentally sustainable event management in Australian public events

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Event Management, 2018, 22 (6), pp. 1057 - 1071
Issue Date:
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© 2018 Cognizant, LLC. This study seeks to provide insights into "best practice" in the area of environmentally sustainable event management in Australian public events. In performing this role, it aims to: determine forces acting to drive engagement with environmental management practices; identify the key challenges event owners and managers face in seeking to adopt such practices; determine types of environmentally sustainable practices currently in use; establish how events are measuring their environmental performance; and identify those factors serving to facilitate or inhibit engagement by events with an environmental agenda. The article begins with a literature review of research germane to the study, along with an overview of the methodology employed. Key findings emerging from the application of this methodology suggest that actions in this area: have increasingly become an aspect of overall event planning; target multiple areas with the potential to generate environmental impacts; are driven primarily by organizer values and attendee and community expectations; and face constraints linked largely to the availability of resources, expertise, and time. This article acknowledges that the planning and delivery of environmentally sustainable events has become one of the critical challenges facing public event management, and as such it seeks to make a meaningful contribution to both the growing academic literature in this area, and equally importantly, to industry practice.
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