Crowd Estimation Using Electromagnetic Wave Power-Level Measurements: A Proof of Concept

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020, 69 (1), pp. 784 - 792
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© 1967-2012 IEEE. Current crowd density estimation technologies that leverage IR depth perception, video and image processing or WiFi/BLE-based sniffing and probing have privacy and deployment issues. This paper presents a novel method for non-intrusive crowd density estimation that monitors variation in EM radiation within an environment. The human body's electrical and magnetic characteristics can be correlated with variations in available EM energy. This allows for the determination of the number of people within a room. Simulations conducted using Comsol to analyse and measure electromagnetic energy levels inside a room containing human bodies. Experimental analysis provides validation of the simulation results by showing $\text{0.8}\;\text{dBm}$ drop on the average level of EM energy per person.
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