Elastic-plastic behavior of AP1000 nuclear island structure under mainshock-aftershock sequences

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019, 123 pp. 1 - 17
Issue Date:
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© 2018 Elsevier Ltd This paper studies dynamic responses of AP1000 nuclear island structure in strong earthquake sequences. A numerical model to simulate nuclear structural behaviors in earthquake is validated by comparison with data from a previous study on a nonlinear dynamic analysis of a reinforced concrete shield building. The validated numerical model is then used to carry out a series of parametric analyses with 112 computational cases so as to determine influence of strong aftershocks on structural elastic-plastic behavior considering input of three-dimensional ground motions. The results indicate that the influence of aftershocks on structural horizontal/vertical dynamic responses is very small in design basis earthquake sequences. However, the influence must be considered seriously in beyond-design basis earthquake sequences as values of RMVs (Ratio of Mean Value) deviating IPRs (Input Peak Ratio) obviously, which means structural dynamic responses are greatly changed in strong aftershocks. Damage aggravating effect induced by strong aftershocks can cause severe damage of structural members and it is found the greater the magnitude of aftershocks, the severer the aggravation effect. Although earthquake input energy is mostly dissipated by damping energy, plastic damage energy plays considerable role in strong aftershocks as it shares beyond 8 percent of the total input energy, which is 10 times more compared to design basis earthquake sequences.
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