Collaborative Target Tracking for Laparoscopic Surgery Simulation utilizing Anticipatory Sanets

University of Technology, Sydney
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
1st Australian Conference on the Applications of Systems Engineering ACASE'12, 2012, pp. 1-2
Issue Date:
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Laparoscopic Surgical Simulation tools are an essential training resource for surgeons specializing in laparoscopic surgical procedures. This paper presents a Sensor-Actor Network (Sanet) training environment to simulate laparoscopic medical procedures, with the intention of using anticipatory models for target tracking and navigation. This case study implements the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) agent-based software reasoning approach, with neural network processes to demonstrate path trajectory planning effectively aids in the handling of laparoscopic equipment in different predefined scenarios. The immersion of the trainer in the simulation environment provides a qualitative and quantitative method of measuring the trainee's efficiency for post-analysis and feedback in laparoscopic procedures.
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