Pre-service teachers’ self-initiated use of mobile devices to support their online professional learning networking

Bloomsbury Academic
Publication Type:
Transforming Teacher Education with Mobile Technologies, 2020, 1, pp. 51-72
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This study investigates how pre-service teachers (PSTs) are using social media apps to support their self-initiated online professional learning networks (PLNs). It also explores PSTs’ perceived benefits and challenges of these mobile learning activities. The study used an international online survey fielded in two phases to explore these aims. In the first phase, the survey was compiled in English and disseminated in Australia and overseas. In the second phase, to widen the survey participation and gather more culturally diverse perspectives of PSTs’ practices, the survey was translated to Chinese and disseminated in China. This chapter focuses on the respondents from both surveys that reported using a mobile device for their PLN activities (n=335). A validated mobile pedagogical framework is used to analyse the data. Findings provide nuanced insights into this niche and evidently valuable mobile learning practice in initial teacher education.
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