A qualitative study of classical Chinese medicine in community health focusing on self-care: practitioner and staff perspectives.

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Integrative Medicine Research, 2020, 9, (1), pp. 42-47
Issue Date:
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Introduction:Classical Chinese medicine (CCM) encompasses many simple lifestyle recommendations which can be adopted into daily routines in support of short and long-term health outcomes. The rise in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) globally in recent decades has led to a need for cost-effective and scalable health care interventions to address lifestyle risk for NCDs in the community. This analysis explores the experience of staff and practitioners delivering a CCM community health care program designed to improve health behaviors in the community in rural Scotland. Methods:A qualitative study employed semi-structured interviews with a sample of program practitioners and staff (n = 7). Informants were asked to share their experience in delivering the CCM program. Emergent themes were identified via analysis using the Framework Approach. Results:Themes emerged from the data in three key areas: Cultural challenges within the local region; Integration with the existing local health care network; and Team dynamics, co-creation and communication integrity. Conclusion:This study highlights the importance of accessibility, integration, networking, secure funding and team unity in the context of community health program delivery, as well as noting a diversity of practice among Chinese medicine practitioners. CCM concepts may hold potential for integration into community health, however, further research is warranted.
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