Brenu Beach Resort, Ghana

BEST Education Network
Publication Type:
Innovations for Sustainable Tourism: International Case Studies, 2008, 1, pp. 76 - 84
Issue Date:
Full metadata record
At the time of this case study project in August 2001, the National People Party (NPP) had just come to power in Ghana. One of the reasons for the NPPs success was the promise to invest in and develop the local economy under the slogan `Golden Age of Business. The change towards a new democratic government resulted in wide-ranging goodwill from the local people, who were expecting a new level of personal and professional freedom in Ghana. The business sector was longing for positive change, as for almost 30 years private businesses had not received significant support from the preceding governments. People in the tourism industry were finally encouraged to invest into their innovative business ideas, and motivated to start up small enterprises to increase their quality of life
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