Decentralized Real-Time Optimization of Voltage Reconfigurable Cloud Computing Data Center

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2020, 4, (2), pp. 577-592
Issue Date:
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© 2017 IEEE. Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling, and Adaptive Body Biasing are increasingly adopted hardware techniques to improve energy efficiency of multi-core servers by adjusting reconfigurable supply and body bias voltages. Existing algorithms cannot fulfill the potential of the techniques because random variations of workload and background traffic can lead to coupling of voltage configurations over time and hinder effective real-time reconfigurations. This paper proposes a new approach which enables multi-core servers to optimize in real-time their configurations under random traffic variations. The approach asymptotically minimizes the time-averaged energy consumption of cloud computing while maintaining platform stability in a fully decentralized fashion. Lyapunov optimization is employed to decouple and separately optimize the voltage configuration, inter- and intra-server offloading schedules among servers and over time. The voltage configuration which is non-convex is proved to increasingly exhibit convexity with growing workloads. The optimality loss from the non-convexity asymptotically diminishes. Simulations show our approach dramatically reduces the power if the cloud is lightly loaded, or converts the power to processing capacity otherwise. Embraced by theoretical breakthroughs, the approach can potentially revolutionize cloud computing.
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