Enhanced nanofiltration rejection of inorganic and organic compounds from a wastewater-reclamation plant's micro-filtered water using adsorption pre-treatment

Elsevier BV
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 260, pp. 118207-118207
Issue Date:
Full metadata record
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. Adsorption pre-treatment to enhance the nanofiltration (NF) removal of inorganic ions, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and organic micropollutants (OMP) from microfiltered (MF) wastewater was investigated using NF 90 membrane (contact angle 79% and molecular weight cut off value of 90–200 Da). The NF showed greater rejection for divalent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+) and anions (SO42−) compared to monovalent cations (Na+, K+) and anions (Cl−, NO3−). The degree of total DOC removal was: GAC adsorption + NF (86%) > an ion exchange resin (Purolite) adsorption + NF (81%) > NF operation alone (72%). GAC + NF removed biopolymers and hydrophobic substances almost completely and the highest percentage of LMW neutral substances. In contrast, Purolite + NF almost completely removed humic substances. The degree of membrane fouling order was: LMW neutrals > building blocks > biopolymers > hydrophobics > humics. Adsorption pre-treatment reduced membrane fouling and increased solution flux, the outcome being better with GAC compared to Purolite. Of the 10 MOPs in the MF water, seven were rejected > 90% by NF without any pre-treatment. Conversely, Purolite and GAC pre-treatments rejected > 90% of all OMPs.
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