Membrane Processes for Wastewater Treatment

American Society of Civil Engineers
Publication Type:
Membrane Technology and Environmental Applications, 2012, 1, pp. 169-216
Issue Date:
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Nowadays, continued population growth and economic development have contributed to increasing demand on water supplies, while multipurpose water use has let to deteriorating water quality by introducing chemical or biological contaminants to receiving waters. Although governments and water authorities have proclaimed more stringent discharge regulations together with increased wastewater disposal costs to protect human and environmental health, wastewater treatment has become ever more crucial and indispensable in order to preserve the diminishing water resources and minimize adverse impacts on our ecosystem. Over the last century various methods and technologies have been developed and applied to remove solids, organic pollutants and nutrients from wastewater. Wastewater treatment involves the combination of various physical, chemical and biological processes and operations (Table 6.1). In general, conventional wastewater treatment processes can successfully remove the majority of degradable organics and suspended solids found in wastewaters. However, to further provide a sufficient level of treatment to wastewater streams and to remove specific contaminants, membrane seperation technology has been emerged as an alternative and innovative treatment technology and plays an important role in global water market. This chapter gives an extensive and up-to-date review of membrane separation technologies (e.g.,microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UP), nanofiltration (NP) and reverse osmosis (RO) in wastewater treatment with specific attention to various membranes, treatment processes and configurations, and their practical applications.
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