New family of expandable step-up/-down DC-DC converters with increased voltage gain and decreased voltage stress on capacitors

Publication Type:
Journal Article
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2020, 30, (3)
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© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This paper presents a new family of extendible hybrid and nonhybrid step-up/-down switched capacitor DC-DC converter structures benefiting from numerous advantages like lower voltage stress on switched capacitors, fewer power components like switches, and higher voltage gain compared with other converters. In the proposed family, it is aimed to use diodes rather than switches, since they are simpler, cheaper, and smaller than switches, which in turn makes the proposed converters cost-, weight-, and size-effective structures. Also, because of the existence of multiple switched capacitors, more power can be transferred from the input source to the load (output) in the proposed topologies. In general, the proposed hybrid and nonhybrid structures are more suitable for a vast variety of industrial applications like regulating output voltage of renewable energy sources, specifically in high power ratings and high voltage gains. For validating the proposed ideas, thorough comparisons and experiments are presented.
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