Simultaneously Advising via Differential Privacy in Cloud Servers Environment

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2020, 11944 LNCS, pp. 550-563
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Due to the rapid development of the cloud computing environment, it is widely accepted that cloud servers are important for users to improve work efficiency. Users need to know servers’ capabilities and make optimal decisions on selecting the best available servers for users’ tasks. We consider the process that users learn servers’ capabilities as a multi-agent Reinforcement learning process. The learning speed and efficiency in Reinforcement learning can be improved by transferring the learning experience among learning agents which is defined as advising. However, existing advising frameworks are limited by a requirement during experience transfer, which all learning agents in a Reinforcement learning environment must have the completely same available choices, also called actions. To address the above limit, this paper proposes a novel differential privacy agent advising approach in Reinforcement learning. Our proposed approach can significantly improve the conventional advising frameworks’ application when agents’ choices are not the completely same. The approach can also speed up the Reinforcement learning by the increase of possibility of experience transfer among agents with different available choices.
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