Feasibility of an adjunctive cognitive task in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder

Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Discover Psychology, 2021, 1, (1), pp. 11
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AbstractVisuospatial cognitive tasks that influence memory reconsolidation may be of benefit in reducing intrusive memories for traumatic events when used as an adjunct to trauma-focused psychotherapy. We conducted a feasibility assessment of a protocol that involved the use of a visuospatial cognitive task, the Tetris intervention, alongside routine exposure-based treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Participants were inpatients attending for PTSD treatment at a psychiatric hospital. The Tetris intervention was administered on three occasions when imaginal exposure had formed part of the treatment session. Using a phone app, participants also monitored intrusive memories over a 3-week period. Feasibility outcomes were fully met for the demand, implementation, practicality and adaptability criteria. Only a single criterion was not met for each of the acceptability and implementation criteria. Limited-efficacy testing outcomes are also discussed. Overall, the findings from our feasibility study indicated viability of the protocol, which involved implementation of the Tetris intervention alongside routine exposure-based treatment for PTSD, in a clinical inpatient setting.
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