Findings of an evaluation of community and school-based reproductive health and HIV prevention programs in Kenya

Stellenbosch University
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Etude de la Population Africaine, 2015, 29, (2), pp. 1934-1953
Issue Date:
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Improving knowledge, attitudes, delaying onset of sexual activity and decreasing high-risk of sexual behaviour of young people are central components in strategic planning for RH programming. This paper presents findings of an evaluation of a public multi-sectoral adolescent reproductive health and HIV prevention program in rural Kenya. Study design was a community-randomized controlled trial. Crosssectional baseline and endline surveys were conducted to evaluate the impact of the interventions with regard to knowledge, attitude and practices. Results in intervention sites A and B as compared to the control site showed large impact on knowledge of sexual and reproductive health issues, a less significant impact regarding attitude, and a small but significant impact on sexual behaviour. The community-based intervention had a significant impact on knowledge and sexual behaviour. Adding a school-based intervention component didn’t have a sustained improvement across board as anticipated. These findings underscore the need to strengthen capacities of public sector staff and enhance the robustness of strategy implementation.
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