Mm-wave Multi-Beam Antenna Array Based on Miniaturized Butler Matrix for 5G Applications

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting, IEEECONF 2020 - Proceedings, 2021, 00, pp. 1619-1620
Issue Date:
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In this paper, a microstrip-based 4 * 8 Butler matrix (BM) is presented. The main benefit of the design is the miniaturization of the beamforming network (BFN) structure. To obtain this objective, a classic 4 * 4 BM is designed, and then extended to a 4 * 8 one using dual substrate structure by implementing microstrip-to-slot line transitions. As a result, six of the crossovers in the traditional 4 * 8 BM topology are replaced by four transitions with low loss structures. To verify the BFN, an 8-element linear antenna array is integrated with the BM. By feeding the antenna array with the proposed 4 * 8 BM, four beams are generated in the azimuth plane pointing at difference directions with the scanning range of \pm 45^{\circ} operating at 27.5 GHz to 28.5 GHz band. The design is verified by the simulation results. Being compact, cost efficient, low-profile, and ease of fabrication makes the reported multi-beam antenna array an ideal candidate for fifth-generation (5G) communication systems.
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