Collaborative location recommendation by integrating multi-dimensional contextual information

Publication Type:
Journal Article
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2018, 18, (3)
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Point-of-Interest (POI) recommendation is a new type of recommendation task that comes along with the prevalence of location-based social networks and services in recent years. Compared with traditional recommendation tasks, POI recommendation focuses more on making personalized and context-aware recommendations to improve user experience. Traditionally, the most commonly used contextual information includes geographical and social context information. However, the increasing availability of check-in data makes it possible to design more effective location recommendation applications by modeling and integrating comprehensive types of contextual information, especially the temporal information. In this article, we propose a collaborative filtering method based on Tensor Factorization, a generalization of the Matrix Factorization approach, tomodel themulti-dimensional contextual information. Tensor Factorization naturally extendsMatrix Factorization by increasing the dimensionality of concerns, within which the three-dimensional model is the one most popularly used. Our method exploits a high-order tensor to fuse heterogeneous contextual information about users' check-ins instead of the traditional two-dimensional user-location matrix. The factorization of this tensor leads to a more compact model of the data that is naturally suitable for integrating contextual information to make POI recommendations. Based on the model, we further improve the recommendation accuracy by utilizing the internal relations within users and locations to regularize the latent factors. Experimental results on a large real-world dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
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