Ka-Band Huygens Antenna Array with Very High Aperture Efficiency and Low Sidelobes

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2022, PP, (99), pp. 1-1
Issue Date:
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A Ka-band Huygens antenna array with extremely high aperture efficiency and low sidelobe levels is reported for 5G millimeterwave wireless applications. The basic array element is an innovative Huygens sub-array consisting of two open rectangular waveguides that form an aperture consisting of a 1×2 set of orthogonal, tightly-coupled electric and magnetic elements separated by a virtual gap that are balanced, in-phase and radiate Huygens cardioid patterns. A larger 8×16 element array is then realized with 64 of these 1×2 sub-arrays. With excitations of equal amplitude, the full broadside-radiating array achieves an aperture efficiency up to 97.5% in the operating bandwidth, which is very close to the 100% limit associated with an ideal uniform aperture distribution. Moreover, a highly-efficient and compact feed network with tapered-amplitude and in-phase excitations from the array center to its edges is designed to achieve sidelobe and backlobe levels less than –20 dB. The –10 dB impedance bandwidth covers 26.7 to 29.65 GHz and the peak realized aperture efficiency reaches 82%. A full-aluminum array prototype was fabricated with standard machining processes and tested. The measured performance characteristics agree well with their simulated values, confirming the efficacy of their designs.
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