Australian energy: National and state projections to 2029-30

Publication Type:
2007, pp. 1 - 50
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Medium to long term projections of Australias energy consumption, production and trade are presented in this report. These projections are made using ABAREs E 4 cast model for the period between 2005-06 and 2029-30, and update those published in December 2006 (Cuevas-Cubria and Riwoe 2006). Since the 2006 energy projections, E 4 cast has been modi? ed to include an additional electricity generation technology, namely solar electricity. » ABAREs practice in making these projections is to include only those policies that have been implemented at the date of publication. Policies that have been announced but not implemented have not been included in the projections. This means that the Australian Governments policies to introduce an emissions trading scheme and increase the Mandatory Renewable Energy Target to 20 per cent of electricity supply by 2020 have not been included. Further, the projections do not include the impact of climate change on economic growth
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