Human-Autonomous Teaming Framework Based on Trust Modelling

Springer Nature
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2022, 13728 LNAI, pp. 707-718
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With the development of intelligent technology, autonomous agents are no longer just simple tools; they have gradually become our partners. This paper presents a trust-based human-autonomous teaming (HAT) framework to realize tactical coordination between human and autonomous agents. The proposed trust-based HAT framework consists of human and autonomous trust models, which leverage a fusion mechanism to fuse multiple performance metrics to generate trust values in real-time. To obtain adaptive trust models for a particular task, a reinforcement learning algorithm is used to learn the fusion weights of each performance metric from human and autonomous agents. The adaptive trust models enable the proposed trust-based HAT framework to coordinate actions or decisions of human and autonomous agents based on their trust values. We used a ball-collection task to demonstrate the coordination ability of the proposed framework. Our experimental results show that the proposed framework can improve work efficiency.
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