A Meaningful Participatory Model of Conscious Leadership: Cultivating Spiritual Intelligence for Conscious Capitalism

Springer International
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The Spirit of Conscious Capitalism, 2022, 63, pp. 423-449
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This chapter introduces the Meaningful Participatory Model of Conscious Leadership (MPMCL) as a systemic and holistic framework to better understand, communicate and teach Conscious Leadership, a key pillar and tenet of Conscious Capitalism (Mackey J, Sisodia RS, Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business. Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, 2014). Mackey and Sisodia’s discussion of Conscious Leadership lacks a unifying pedagogical frame that ties it into the broader notion of Conscious Capitalism, necessary if it is to achieve its transformative potential within mainstream business schools and leadership education. The MPMCL uses the metaphor of meaning, consistent with Mackey and Sisodia’s view that conscious leaders are spiritually intelligent and play a key role in making work and life meaningful. After briefly summarising Conscious Leadership, the chapter reviews the concept of Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) before outlining the main parts of the MPMCL using the Systems theory constructs of Structure, Pattern and Process. The framework facilitates the incorporation of SQ into educational theory and pedagogy at a time when it can assist solving society’s complex social and environmental problems and enable the creation and growth of movements such as conscious capitalism that can potentially provide a solution for future generations.
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