Think Tank Innovation-Driven Knowledge Service Ecosystems: A Conceptual Framework and Case Study Application

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Sustainability, 2023, pp. 1-19
Issue Date:
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By drawing on ecosystem and innovation-driven development theories, the aim of this paper is to increase our understanding of their application to think tanks. The composition, structure, and features of the knowledge service ecosystem of think tanks are conceptualized via a literature review. The model developed from this was validated by analyzing the data collected from 25 think tanks in the United States (US). The model constructed provides a reference for the sus-tainable and healthy development of knowledge services in think tanks and an innovation-driven development perspective for researchers interested in their innovation ecosystem dynamics. The intake of talent forms a necessary part of think tank construction, but, more importantly, this continuous intake is a crucial driving force for their sustainable development. This paper suggests that an increasing focus on talents in knowledge service ecosystems can lead to and assist in establishing innovative think tanks in many countries.
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