An efficient algorithm for the k-dominating set problem on very large-scale networks (extended abstract)

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Computational Data and Social Networks (LNCS), 2019, 11917, pp. 74-76
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© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. The minimum dominating set problem (MDSP) aims to construct the minimum-size subset $$D \subset V$$ of a graph $$G = (V, E)$$ such that every vertex has at least one neighbor in D. The problem is proved to be NP-hard [5]. In a recent industrial application, we encountered a more general variant of MDSP that extends the neighborhood relationship as follows: a vertex is a k-neighbor of another if there exists a linking path through no more than k edges between them. This problem is called the minimum k-dominating set problem (MkDSP) and the dominating set is denoted as $$D:k$$. The MkDSP can be used to model applications in social networks [2] and design of wireless sensor networks [3]. In our case, a telecommunication company uses the problem model to supervise a large social network up to 17 millions nodes via a dominating subset in which k is set to 3.
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