Comparison of accelerated test methods for ASR reactivity testing

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Conference Proceeding
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The deleterious alkali silica reaction (ASR) affects the long term durability of concrete by reducing service life. Standardised accelerated test methods are used to rapidly asses reactivity. Rapidly accelerating the ASR reaction process may produce reactivity responses from aggregates that would not occur in field conditions. The environment in which the accelerated test is conducted is crucial in determining the degree to which the ASR reaction and associated deleterious expansion proceeds. In this study, a course reactive Australian aggregate concrete is exposed to standardised, and modified test methods to assess their effect on the observed ASR reaction. Australia has produced AS1141.60.2, a standardised concrete prism test at 38ºC for determining ASR reactivity of aggregates which is deployed in this study alongside a 60ºC concrete prism test and prism immersion test methods. This paper compares deleterious ASR expansion across a number of accelerated test methods and found good correlation between CPT and immersion based test methods.
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