Comparing local energy conflicts in NSW Australia: moving to climate generosity

Taylor and Francis Group
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Globalizations, 2023
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Australia does not have ‘carbon democracy', but a ‘carbon oligarchy,' in which the State defends the established and self-destructive relations of order, wealth and power built around fossil fuel energy. The article sketches interaction with carbon oligarchy in three NSW country towns of Lismore, Narrabri, and Bega, in relation to renewable energy. The aim is to uncover some problems of energy transition, and to suggest possible courses of action. In one town, a Local Council program to become self-supporting on renewables ran into problems of regulation and neoliberal economic values. In the second, transition was constrained by local fossil fuel supplies. In the third, some people embraced a form of ‘climate generosity’ which enabled support for transition against the requirements of carbon oligarchy. Climate generosity could usefully supplement Climate Justice, by circumventing demands for fairness and by providing an exemplar of action to help build community, support and meaning.
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