From Farmers Friend to Bin Chicken: The Australian White Ibis and Post-Federation Nation Building

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We are used to seeing the Australian White Ibis in cities and thinking of the journey of ibis as one of becoming urban from traditional wetlands across the Murray Darling Basin to the streetscapes of Australia’s coastal towns and cities. This becoming urban journey of the Australian White Ibis, as we’ve argued elsewhere, is a story of adaptability that has also generated significant cultural notoriety, as witnessed by the phenomenon of the Bin Chicken. But this story of ibis migration to cities can reinforce a rather simplistic urban-wilderness divide that glosses over another important story of Ibis migration and adaptation. Long before the Ibis began migrating into Australia’s coastal cities, driven by drought and wetland degradation, the Australian White Ibis and its close relative the Straw-necked Ibis, were adapting to the land management practices of white settler agriculture.
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