Reparations for People Living with Dementia: Recognition, Accountability, Change, Now!

SAGE Publications
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice, 2023, 22, (8), pp. 1738-1756
Issue Date:
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There is a significant and longstanding problem of harm to people living with dementia in long term care institutions (‘LTC institutions’, referred to by others as ‘care homes’, ‘nursing homes’, ‘long term care’, ‘residential aged care facilities’), along with a failure to redress the harm or hold people accountable for this harm. This article reports on an Australian project that found reparations must be a response to harm to people living with dementia in residential aged care. Using a disability human rights methodology, focus groups were conducted with people living with dementia, care partners and family members, advocates and lawyers to explore perspectives on why and how to redress harm to people living with dementia in Australian LTC institutions. Researchers found four key themes provide the basis for the necessity and design of a reparative approach to redress – recognition, accountability, change, now. The article calls for further attention to reparations in dementia scholarship, with a particular focus on the role that can be played in the delivery of reparations by the LTC industry, dementia practitioners, and dementia scholars. Ultimately, this article provides a new understanding of responses to violence, abuse, neglect and other harms experienced by people living with dementia in LTC institutions, which centres justice, rights, and transformative change.
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