A doctoral experience from a multicultural and multidisciplinary perspective

Palgrave Macmillan
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Deconstructing Doctoral Discourses Stories and Strategies for Success, 2023, pp. 229-242
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This chapter engages with a multicultural and multidisciplinary perspective on the identity construction of a doctoral scholar (the first author). Many of the accounts and reflections have been kept in the form of jour naling during her doctoral studies, which culminated in an overall process of personal and academic change, and which has provided the data on which the reflections in this chapter are based. Different experiences have allowed the deconstruction of the first author’s Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) experience, generating numerous strategies to negotiate power relationships with supervisors (including the second author), and socio cultural positioning within the larger academic community in a transformative process of becoming. The chapter is dialogical in nature, with a reflection on the doctoral trajectory by a doctoral candidate interspersed with critical responses by a doctoral supervisor, both couched in a Critical Discourse Analytical framework (Fairclough, 2013). The first part provides her account that led to her PhD trajectory, including the research design and the negotiation of her identity in this process. Although the chapter is chronologically organised, the experiences and processes were not linear, and the reflections and analyses draw on relevant literature throughout the chapter before concluding with suggested directions for future research into the doctoral candidature process.
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