Does DeFi remove the need for trust? Evidence from a natural experiment in stablecoin lending

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2023, 40, pp. 100858
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Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is built on a fundamentally different paradigm. Rather than trusting individuals and institutions, DeFi participants, in principle, only need to trust computer code enforced by a decentralized network of computers. We examine a natural experiment that exogenously stress-tests this alternative paradigm by revealing the identities of individuals (including a convicted criminal) associated with the Abracadabra lending protocol. The revelation seriously damaged the protocol, indicating that, in practice, DeFi does not (yet) entirely remove the need for trust in individuals. Our findings suggest that smart contracts are incomplete and are subject to protocol-run risk. Thus, individuals’ character and trust remain relevant in this alternative financial system.
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