Real Estate Agents' Trust Account Compliance: Consumer Protection

Pacific Rim Real Estate Soceity
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
The Proceedings of the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society, 2023
Issue Date:
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Licensing of property agents in Australia varies within each individual state and territory. The introduction of legislation aimed to regulate the property industry and to enhance consumer protection. An individual working in the property industry buying, selling, leasing and negotiating in property transactions must be either licensed or hold a certificate of registration under the relevant legislation. In New South Wales there has been a steady increase in fraud with agency’s trust accounts. The aim of this research was to identify any trends contributing to trust accounting fraud in property agents’ trust accounts. The purpose of the research was to undertake a 20 year data set document analysis of public records such as court cases and enforcement notices relating to the misappropriation of trust account funds. The findings identified a total of 140 instances of fraud, involving 171 individuals, with 84.80% of these individuals licenced, and 13.45%, holding a certificate of registration. A very small percentage, 1.75%, did not hold either a licence or certificate of registration. The various reasons for the misappropriation of trust funds included gambling, funds to operate the property agency business, personal debts, loan scheme scam, pre-drawing of sales commission, and funding legal expenses.
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