Double insurance in statutory lines: Determining contribution claims between workers’ compensation and compulsory third-party motor insurers

Reed International Books Australia Pty Limited
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Insurance Law Journal, 2024, 33, (1), pp. 1-27
Issue Date:
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Double insurance refers to a situation where two insurers are liable to indemnify a common insured in respect of the same liability. In such circumstances, the indemnifying insurer may be entitled to seek contribution from the other insurer in respect of its payments to the insured. This article examines the reasoning of Australian courts in determining claims for contribution between workers compensation and compulsory third-party motor insurers. It discusses how the courts have approached important practical questions such as the relevant date for determining an insurer’s right to seek contribution; when there will be a common insured policyholder that is indemnified by two insurers; when an insurer will have a ‘liability’ for which it may seek contribution; the effect of an insurer’s settlement of an underlying claim on its entitlement to seek contribution; and whether a claimant’s pleading of their case should be determinative of the insurer’s entitlement to seek contribution.
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