Effects of sex premises on neighbourhoods: Residents, local planning and the geographies of a controversial land use

Publication Type:
Journal Article
New Zealand Geographer, 2012, 68 (2), pp. 130 - 140
Issue Date:
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The paper examines 284 resident submissions to sex premises planning processes, and a survey of 401 residents living near sex premises in New South Wales, Australia, to investigate resident concerns about the effect of sex premises on local environs, and how these concerns inform resident views on the spatial ordering of sex premises. The investigation found that there was a discrepancy between the views of the broader residential population and the views of participants in planning processes. The investigation suggests that geographers need to consider more deeply the connections between residents, planning and the geographies of this controversial land use. © 2012 The Authors. New Zealand Geographer © 2012 New Zealand Geographical Society.
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