Business Intelligence Adoption Model During the Digital Transformation Era: An Empirical Investigation in the Jordanian Insurance Companies

Springer Nature
Publication Type:
Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 2024, 38, pp. 543-552
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Academics and entrepreneurs are curious about business intelligence (BI) technologies, and business executives are beginning to apply them to make well-informed choices for effective management. Organizations have increasingly used business intelligence and applied it to supporting decisions. However, the factors that impact adoption decisions continue to be a subject of considerable academic interest. Also, developing countries like Jordan are just beginning to use business intelligence (BI). The purpose of this study is to investigate the influential factors on the adoption of business intelligence in the insurance sector. In this context, the study proposed and investigated a conceptual framework that demonstrates the influence of numerous technological, organizational, and environmental factors on the adoption of business intelligence (BI) and the decision-making performance of companies. A questionnaire will be developed to obtain data from 22 insurance companies in Jordan that have adopted BI. For data analysis and to investigate the relevant hypothesis, structural equation modeling (SEM) will be performed. The study could assist Jordanian insurance sector management in boosting the use and breadth of business intelligence.
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