Ensuring Corporate Criminal Responsibility in the 21st Century

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Courts of Conscience, 2024, 18, pp. 105-111
Issue Date:
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Recent government inquiries in Australia have focused on financial wrongdoing, and there is also awareness of physical harms caused by corporations and large organisations, including environmental harms, injuries and deaths. Despite long term recognition of the significant, widespread systemic harms that corporations cause, prosecutions of corporations in Australia, relative to individuals, are extremely rare. The ALRC recently undertook a review as to whether there needs to be more effective laws in response to corporate wrongdoing, but there appears to have been little to no progress on the prosecution of corporations for widespread harms. What then, are the barriers in the way of prosecuting corporations for widespread harms? In accordance with the theme of this volume, I will consider what law reforms, if any, need to occur to prosecute corporations for these harms.
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