Towards healthier, enabling environments for all: positioning the ‘runnability of cities’ as a spatial planning approach

Taylor & Francis
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Cities and Health, 2024, 8, (4), pp. 556-565
Issue Date:
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The interplay between urban design and public health is a critical concern in modern cities, with the COVID-19 pandemic underscoring the necessity of accessible, safe, and health-promoting urban environments. This paper aimed to unpack the concept of ‘runnability’ as a cornerstone of healthy urban environments, advocating for the integration of running-friendly spaces into city planning, in order to enhance border public health and well-being. The paper followed a reflective praxis methodology, combining academic research with introspective analysis of running experiences, and offers novel insights into the subjective dimensions of urban runnability. Our findings advocate for a global initiative to promote runnable cities through transdisciplinary collaboration, infrastructure development, policy reform, educational efforts, and design innovation. By positioning ‘runnable cities’ as a spatial planning approach, there could be global progress towards healthier, enabling environments for all.
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